How do I make a formal complaint to the City Council?

To address the City Council, you may attend any of our meetings as they are all public.  If you wish to be heard, please call the City Office & asked to be placed on our agenda.  You will need to state your reason.  You may also submit a concern to the City Office or any Council Member in the form of a letter.  Your letter must be signed & dated in order to be addressed properly.  Addresses of Council Members are listed under the Council/Mayor section of this web site.  Thank you!

 When do I need to apply for a building permit?

Building permits need to be obtained for all new construction including decks, additions, sheds, garages, fences, steps, etc.  You also need a permit for moving any type of structure onto your lot.  Please call the City Office at 228-3232 for more detailed information.

You do not need a permit if you are shingling or residing your home or business.  A rule to remember:  If you are changing the original blue print of your home, you probably need a permit, so give us a call.