City Licenses and Permits:
The following is a list of licenses and permits that the City of Bottineau issues and information regarding obtaining these licenses and permits:
- Dog & Cat License: Tags are required for all dogs and cats living in the City. There is no charge for these tags, but a current copy of their rabies vaccination is required. City of Bottineau also has a leash law for animals. Tags can be picked up at the City Office 115 W. 6th St.
- ND Drivers License: The City Armory is a site for ND Drivers License Division. The site is open the 1st & 3rd Tuesdays of each month. For appointments and information you must call the Minot Office at 701-857-7624. Office hours 9:30 a.m. to 12:00 noon and 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. Site Office is located on the main floor of the Armory.
- Building Permits: Building permits are required for all new construction, even additions, fencing and decks. Costs range is $25.00 & up depending on construction type. Building permits are approved by the Planning Commission, Mayor and City Auditor & Building Inspector. Please allow 10 working days to get approval for any building permit. Strict guidelines are required for set-backs, distances from lot lines and types of construction, zoning, etc. Codes must be followed! Refer to the zoning sub-section of the City Departments section for zoning information. Refer to ordinance section to view our code requirements. Permits are also required for the demolition of structures and moving in of structures. Members of the Planning Commission are: Jeremy Ketterling,Council Rep. & Chair, Karsten Bartsch, Myron Langhaug, John Derr, Nate Simpson, Keith Fulsebakke, Josh Lorenz, Penny Nostdahl & Norm Reitan, Fire Dept. rep. & Larry Lord, Building Inspector. Permits can be applied for at the City Office. Please submit blue prints or sketches of your plans, including how structures will sit on the lot site. Do not start your project until you have your approved building permit in your hand! Under documents you will find a "voided" building permit that you can use as a guideline for the information you will need when applying.
- Business Permits: City of Bottineau does not require local business permits unless said business is not registered to sell goods with the ND Attorney Generals Office. If sales & use tax permits are not available through the state, then transiet merchant licenses are required to be purchased for $25.00/day at the City Office.
- Raffle Permits: Raffle permits can be applied for at the City Office for a fee of $25.00 payable when application is received. Raffles must be approved at a City Council meeting. Organizations must meet specific criteria in order to be approved for a local raffe. Be prepared to have the following information available when applying for a raffle: Date of raffle drawing, address and site of where the drawing is to be held, list of prizes to be given away and their values. Raffle numbers can only be issued after they are approved by the City Council.
- Site Permits/Gaming: City Council approves the site permit only for gaming operations. Cost of site permit is $25.00 for a year. Applications and other information on gaming rules and regulations can be obtained by calling the ND Attorney General's Office 701-328-2210.
- Liquor/Beer Licenses: Liquor and Beer Licenses must be approved annually prior to June 30th of each year by the City Council. Fees for Liquor & Beer Licenses are as follows: Liqour On & Off Sale: $2000.00 On Sale Only: $400.00. Off Sale Licenses: $1000.00. License holder must also approve their local license with the State of ND annually. The number of licenses are now restricted by City Ordinance. Please call 228-3232 for information.
- Liquor License Transfers: Liquor/Beer License holders must apply to transfer their license to another site if they wish to cater a special event at a site other than for that which their license allows. These transfers must be approved by the City Council and the fee is $25.00/transfer.